I agree with the starting question, but not with the gist of the rest of the pos…

I agree with the starting question, but not with the gist of the rest of the post

(too many question marks, for one)

((too radical in a way, and it does not help to alleviate that problem by pushing emotional intelligence))

So, all in all, a quick but disturbing read.

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Collaboration is about humans, not technology
How important do you think new technologies, platforms, and tools are for collaboration? I would say that they are the fuel that enhances it, but the core -the essential raw material- that we need for…

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patterns as a way of making sense of group behaviour (and I’d say emergent phenomena…

patterns as a way of making sense of group behaviour (and I’d say emergent phenomena galore)

Reshared post from +<a href=’https://plus.google.com/103404136100035905482′>Martin Koser

snip: ”

great teams:

Communicate frequently. In a typical project team a dozen or so communication exchanges per working hour may turn out to be optimum; but more or less than that and team performance can decline.
Talk and listen in equal measure, equally among members. Lower performing teams have dominant members, teams within teams, and members who talk or listen but don’t do both.
Engage in frequent informal communication. The best teams spend about half their time communicating outside of formal meetings or as “asides” during team meetings, and increasing opportunities for informal communication tends to increase team performance.
Explore for ideas and information outside the group. The best teams periodically connect with many different outside sources and bring what they learn back to the team.”

powerful patterns of communication #ftw

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The Hard Science of Teamwork
Like many people, I’ve encountered teams that are “clicking.” I’ve experienced the “buzz” of a group that’s blazing away with new ideas in a way that makes it seem they can read each others’ minds. We…

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(corporate) #facebook

Die Analogie des Artikels trägt nicht (und auch ein Transponieren aus dem Uni-Alltag und den -Prozessen ins echte Unternehmensleben verbietet sich aus Myriaden Gründen …)

Ich verlinke das hier denn auch nur als schlechtes Beispiel für populäre Veröffentlichungen zu #e20 😉

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Soziale Netzwerke: Facebook vereinfacht Arbeitsabläufe
In Unternehmen nimmt die Bedeutung von sozialen Netzwerken zu. Schon bald werden sie normales Arbeitsmittel sein – für Kundenkontakt, Intranetersatz oder Alumninetzwerk.

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Well, I am blogging¹ this

¹ http://www.frogpond.de/2012/02/automagic-ftw/

Reshared post from +Martin Koser

#socialbusiness #knowledgemanagement

I always tell people that with social software in business we finally get the means to achieve what we wanted in KM since ages

(no piece of cake, still …)

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Is Social Business Just Knowledge Management 2.0?
Alan Hamilton asks if social business is just an iteration of Knowledge Management 2.0.

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You don't do KM! You respond to business problems and develop business opportunities…

You don't do KM! You respond to business problems and develop business opportunities using KM tools.


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On knowledge, competion and collaboration by David Gurteen (Gurteen Knowledge)On knowledge, competion and collaboration by David Gurteen
Quotation: On knowledge, competion and collaboration by David Gurteen

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