Upcoming: WikiCAMP at CeBIT 2010

Mark the date and arrange your travel plans wisely – on March 6, 2010 we’ll have the first WikiCamp at CeBIT


The venue is in Hall 6 at the FORUM Learning & Knowledge Solutions, nearby the Webciety area. There will be some smaller rooms for workshops and small group discussions – plus a large general meeting area where lightning talks, interviews and the closing session is planned. Add your session proposals now.

Here’s the planned schedule:

10:00 – 11:40 Opening, Meet ‘n Greet, Plan for sessions
11:40 – 12:25 First sessions
12:30 – 13:15 Open for sessions (or lunch if you’re hungry)
13:20 – 14:05 Timeslot 3 – plus one session in the forum
14:10 – 14:55 Timeslot 4 – plus one session in the forum
15:00 – 16:30 Closing it up – what have we discussed and what have we learned

Upcoming: 2010 conferences calendar (and what are they good for)

Yes, the social web continues to change this consultant’s and analyst’s work – it’s changing the ways we think, interact and work. Yikes, one could say that the plethora of networked information and virtual network opportunities should be enough for everybody, but I don’t care for information overload fears and shivers.

Thus information-(over)loaded conferences are fine for me (that is if they provide some inspiration, they’re always wonderful and productive interruptions …), but besides these and some other reasons of going there as a freelancer, it’s basically about the opportunity for meeting old friends and real networking. They are chances to have the real personal conversations that deepen networks. And that’s why here’s my preliminary schedule for 2010:

First and right around the corner is Lotussphere, next week in Orlando. I am basically sitting on packed suitcases, but the whole event has it’s own tag here already and will trigger a lot of posting for sure. More coming up later on …

Did I say real conversations need face-to-face contact? I need to reframe this, otherwise my participation in the Virtual Enterprise 2.0 Conference on February 2, 2010 won’t fit, huh? I expect this to be equally good as my virtual participation in last year’s E2Conf in San Francisco (much of it is buried inside tweets and bookmarks, alas).

Now, it’s so much easier to participate in such an event than actually getting there, that’s why I am hesitating to register for Lift Austria in March. But the topic “Enable!” is as tempting as Vienna in spring …

Mechanistic models and a deterministic worldview may have worked well for the last centuries, but are not apt for the upcoming challenges we are facing today. Rather, we need completely different concepts and attitudes, accepting that the underlying processes escape our control and are unpredictable. It seems that the concept of “Enabling” is the key to this shift of thinking. Enabling is the art of carefully configuring adequate levers (physical space, networks, resources, etc.) that best support specific innovation processes, such as idea generation, prototyping, market entry, etc.

OK, then, on with already booked events – starting with re:publica April 14-16 in Berlin – Germany’s blog, social media and digital society main event. Then CeBIT & WikiCAMP in March, the german LinuxTag 2010 in Berlin (will see if I can make it there, June 9-12) – because it may collide with my travel plans for the 2010 E2Conf in Boston, June 14-17. Later this year I will try to return to Copenhagen for another reboot

Add to this several BarCamps – including the Barcamp Nürnberg (February), Barcamp Furtwangen (May), BarCamp Bodensee (June) and possibly BarCamp Ruhr too (may collide with Lift Austria, sigh).

Oh, and right – I need to get some work done in between as well 😉

Above picture of cute calendar work http://www.flickr.com/photos/booberrystudio/ / CC BY 2.0

Upcoming: WikiWednesday Stuttgart

Eine rechtzeitige Ankündigung macht immer Sinn, nicht wahr? Nun denn, am 17. Februar 2010 findet der nächste – bereits der neunte – WikiWednesday Stuttgart statt. Wie immer nehme ich Vorschläge für Vorträge und Sessions, sowie Ideen für die Organisation u.a. hier in den Kommentaren oder via der üblichen Kanäle an.

Wiki Wednesday Stuttgart

Anmeldung im Wiki oder via Facebook wäre perfekt – denn nach wie vor gilt: die Räume der MFG Innovationsagentur sind recht groß, aber für die Übersicht und ein eventuelles Getränkesponsoring wäre es schon besser 

Upcoming: LeWeb ’09

logoOK, not so much longer and LeWeb ’09 is up, Paris on December 9th and 10th, and this year’s theme – the real-time web – is a hot topic.

The agenda is finished and ready now, check it out and get ready for Europe’s largest web conference. My personal highlights include panels with Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, Google’s Marissa Mayer, Jolicloud’s Tariq Krim, Microsoft’s Danah Boyd and of course the various roundtables like e.g. on platforms, on apps and on the “best of Europe”. Hey, it might be a good idea to invite Michael Arrington to that last roundtable, I mean before he’s venturing into another round of live Gillmor gang mischief on day two.

If you’re coming to LeWeb please let me know, I will be in Paris from Dec 8th (that said, I need to set some time aside for le MusĂ©e D’Orsay on Tuesday).

Upcoming 2: LeWeb ’09 in Paris

logoAs you probably know already I am going again to LeWeb as an official blogger. So it’s a good idea to remember all of you that time is running out – early bird registration closes on November 10th, so hurry up and get your 10% discount using the code BLOG09. If you’re going to come too, let me know. It’s about meeting and talking to people face-to-face after all, even when I am pretty sure that we’ll have some heavy wave-riding then too. After all we’re experimenting like wild lately.

Upcoming: E20SUMMIT next week

Enterprise 2.0 SUMMITThis coming week it’s showtime finally.

It’s the week of E20SUMMIT, ie. a week packed with discussions, information and “peer talk” on Enterprise 2.0. I know that some of my readers will be there, but I don’t think I can manage to have a beer with each of you, sorry about that, but I want to remember the event 😉

As you probably know I was involved in the “configuration” and set-up of the event, and while I haven’t been too bothered with the organizing aspects of it, I’ve seen that there’s an immense amount of work and engagement that was invested. Thomas Koch and his team at Kongressmedia, namely Steffi, Björn and Kai have worked countless hours to realize this event. And I think now’s the time to thank them for envisioning a great event, way in advance they’ve seen and believed in the potentials of the social web in the enterprise and they’ve built and supported the community in many ways – not alone in Germany but on a European scale as well.

Upcoming: Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT

4046866060_b4e5aa42a3Next week, Wednesday and Thursday there’s the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT in Frankfurt upcoming – this is one of the pivotal events for the Enterprise 2.0 community in Germany and Europe. Together we’ll be preparing and building deep understanding of the potentials of web technologies in corporations and we’ll be exploring and analyzing the challenges to organisational structures and processes.

To support this the SUMMIT combines panels, case studies, best practices and workshops in two high-energy days. Especially the best practices should be most interesting, as discussing with peers and innovative corporate users is much more valuable than sitting through vendor or consultant’s presentations (this ain’t true for my very own talks, obviously).

So I think that this is a great primer for executives wanting to learn what, where and how to start with an Enterprise 2.0 initiative. The two days spent are a good investment, register here and be part of the event.

And I’ve also got a special treat for you – tell me in the comments (or trackback from your very own blog …) your views on Enterprise 2.0 and Collaborative Performance and why you want to take part in the event. I’ve still got some blogger tickets to distribute and you might be lucky and we can meet in Frankfurt …