I am back from my holidays in Denmark (some pictures of Römö), and I finally found time to put some of the pictures together that I took during my Bangkok assignment. I’ve got a lot more to share, email me if you’re interested … (valid only for participants, of course). Then, I will try to summarize some of my learnings in one of my next posts (as soon as I’ve got more time – one shouldn’t take vacations, work just keeps piling up …)
Coopetition in “as a service”: Enterprise Content Management …
Mike Gotta thinks that Salesforce’s Koral move (Apex Content) puts them in competition with Cisco that recently acquired WebEx:
At some point, Salesforce needed to respond to the productivity, content and collaboration platform Cisco can exploit given WebEx WebOffice and WebEx Connect.
I would add that Salesforce clearly moves to take a stance against other collaboration and content management players like e.g. Microsofts Sharepoint or Google (as Nick Carr notes), while it validates the increasing importance of “as a service”-offerings. Hence, its position in the SaaS-landscape is a hybrid one: While offerings like Google Apps are competitors in some ways, they are good competitors because they strengthen the SaaS-model as a whole, heck – they might even collaborate in expanding this market, and they will stay friends quite some time.
BEA en.terpri.se
In my presentation I shortly introduced BEAs en.terpri.se initiative, i.e. launching three Web 2.0 style applications for their enterprise customers:
- Ensemble (for mashups)
- Pages (drag-and-drop collaborative workspaces)
- Pathways (an information discovery tool)
Well, more (product) information at en.terpri.se of course, Dana Gardner has info on the background of these offerings here, Chris Bucchere has more insight into the value proposition, the concepts behind this move and its overall position in the uptaking of the enterprise 2.0 theme. I would argue that this strengthens and validates the overall trend that incumbent enterprise software shops are incorporating web 2.0 features into their products (and business models).
And this move also reflects the findings of several enterprise 2.0 studies (like those by Forrester and McKinsey) on which I plan to blog about over the coming easter holidays … let’s see how this pulls all together.
Web 2.0 and business model innovation crossposts
Again, it’s time to note some posts in my business model innovation and design (BMID) blog that are frogpond-relevant, i.e. Web 2.0 or innovation related:
Amazons services and business model innovations
Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software
Crowdsourcing Innovation Principles
Business Insight @ Sloan Management Review
IBM ShortCuts Podcast: What is Web 2.0
“Science sharing” and tuning R&D
Social Networking’s Next Phase
The innovation fad is over (not yet …)
and some posts on the CNBC Business of Innovation special (here, here and here)
Web 2.0 Works Better in the Enterprise …
… so why do we feel that there’s a shortage of innovative start-ups (or innovative incumbents for a change), Dan Farber’s got it right, this is no easy sell:
Anything social networking or bookmarking or tagging is not an easy sell in the enterprise, but these two companies are at least attempting to build some awareness and businesses based on the benefits of Web 2.0 applied to large company productivity.
In the meantime Ann All says it ain’t so, partly because some enterprising enterprise (no pun intended) software companies are starting off, e.g. by leveraging new ways of deployment:
Vendors are expanding their definition of innovation beyond new product features to encompass new and Web-enabled methods of development and delivery. They are also turning to their customers more than ever before, as a source of innovative ideas.
These are some interesting business model innovations, and they aren’t fully exploited yet. So if you’re interested in exploring this innovation space, you may be also interested in my BMID blog.
Interview Tim O’Reilly
Via Netbib-Weblog, dieses Interview (mp4) das David Weinberger mit Tim O’Reilly geführt hat. Netbib verweist dazu auf diese Zusammenfassung von Lorcan Dempsey (OCLC). Aber das Interview lohnt die 15 Minuten Investition durchaus, u.a. weil Tim O’Reilly auch Phänomene und Trends diskutiert, die für den Kontext von Enterprise 2.0 wichtig sind, bspw. ob und wie sich Unternehmen gegenüber ihren Kunden und Partnern öffnen sollen.
Relevant sind diese Fragen u.a. bei der Gestaltung von Open Innovation oder auch bei der Gestaltung von Geschäftsmodellinnovationen, die die Kreativität und Mitarbeit der Kunden einsetzen wollen, d.h. Crowdsourcing oder Mass Innovation.
Tim O’Reilly, creator of the Web 2.0 meme, says that organizations have been slow to understand how “network effects” can benefit their business if applied internally as well as externally. As customers add to what the company knows, should that added-value information be made accessible outside of the company? (David Weinberger)
Ein Beispiel ist die Beobachtung, dass Unternehmen über große Datenbanken verfügen, diese Inhalte aber nur selten effizient nutzen. Wenn Unternehmen Kunden zur Mitarbeit motivieren und ihnen Plattformen (und eben insbesondere Social Software Plattformen wie Wikis etc.) anbieten, können sich selbstverstärkende Netzwerkeffekte ergeben. Amazon ist hier ein gutes Beispiel, zu dem ich in meinem BMID-Blog auch einige Gedanken notiert habe: Amazon 2.0 _ Tags, Ajax, Plogs & Wikis:
Die Versuche Web 2.0-Technologien und -Konzepte wie Tagging, Wikis, Autorenblogs etc. als Beta zu testen kann man ebenfalls so verstehen und systematisieren: Amazon will das eigene Angebot erweitern – und dabei auch Daten in die Waagschale werfen, die bisher eher unentdeckt in den Tiefen der Datenbanken steckten. So integriert das neue Beta-amapedia-Wiki Daten aus den bereits früher eingeführten Product-Wikis und macht diese mit strukturierten Tags zugänglicher
Some crossposts from the BMID blog
If you haven’t figured it out already, I am horrible at cross-posting.
Here’s what I’ve been writing over at my Business Model Innovation and Design blog over the last weeks that relates to innovation work and consulting:
Web 2.0 isn’t about the Internet
Some business model innovation links
Is Microsoft Driving Innovation Or Playing Catch-Up With Rivals? Office 2.0 and more