Open Source Meets Business (OSMB) – Tag 1

Heute bin ich auf Einladung von Heise Events auf dem Open Source Meets Business Kongress (OSMB) in Nürnberg (Disclaimer!). Wie im letzten Jahr werde ich Beobachtungen und Notizen hier (oder in meinem Business Model Innovation and Design Blog) veröffentlichen. Daneben wird getwittert, vorrangig aber auf dem Konferenz-Account.

OK, um was geht es heute? Open Source meets (means) Business, durchgehendes Thema der Investment Keynotes am Vormittag:

Eröffnung, Empfang und Begrüßung durch Richard Seibt, Chairman der Open Source Business Foundation

09:15 – 10:00 Uhr – Investment Keynotes I, The Future of Software – Why Open Source is the Safe Bet, Larry Augustin, Diverse, Angel Investor

10:00 – 10:30 Uhr – Investment Keynotes I – Ergebnis der Trendstudie Open Source in Unternehmen, Oliver Diedrich, heise open, Chefredakteur

10:30 – 11:00 Uhr – Investment Keynotes I – Increasing Communication Drives Cloud Computing – Open Source Makes it Work, Rafael Laguna de la Vera, Open-Xchange AG, CEO

11:30 – 12:15 Uhr – Investment Keynotes II – Collaboration Contagion – How Collaboration is Changing the Economics of Software Development, Stuart Cohen, Collaborative Software Initiative, CEO

12:15 – 13:00 Uhr – Investment Keynotes II – Open Source Stack – a Prudent Choice – Not Only – when the Economy Gets Tough, Tom Berquist, Ingres Corp., CFO

Nachmittags dann zwei Technology Keynotes, gefolgt von Workshops.

14:00 – 14:45 Uhr – Technology Keynotes I – Mozilla – How to Bring an Open Source Application into the Mainstream, John Lilly, Mozilla Corp., CEO

14:45 – 15:30 Uhr – Technology Keynotes I – Participation in a World of Choice – Open Source and Microsoft, Bryan Kirschner, Microsoft, Director Open Source Strategy

Bei den Workshops werde ich voraussichtlich zwischen den Tracks 1 und 2 hin- und herwechseln, je nach Relevanz für mein Kernarbeitsgebiet Enterprise Collaboration und Enterprise 2.0:

T01 Business Intelligence, Content Management
T03 Frameworks, Tools
T04 Infrastruktur, Security
T05 Integration, Systems Management
T06 SW-Entwicklung

Web 2.0 and business model innovation crossposts

Again, it’s time to note some posts in my business model innovation and design (BMID) blog that are frogpond-relevant, i.e. Web 2.0 or innovation related:

Amazons services and business model innovations

Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software

Crowdsourcing Innovation Principles

Tuning Innovation DNA

Business Insight @ Sloan Management Review

IBM ShortCuts Podcast: What is Web 2.0

“Science sharing” and tuning R&D

Social Networking’s Next Phase

The innovation fad is over (not yet …)

and some posts on the CNBC Business of Innovation special (here, here and here)

Some crossposts from the BMID blog

If you haven’t figured it out already, I am horrible at cross-posting.

Here’s what I’ve been writing over at my Business Model Innovation and Design blog over the last weeks that relates to innovation work and consulting:

How Innovation Works

Outsourcing von F&E

Web 2.0 Compact Definition

Web 2.0 isn’t about the Internet

Some business model innovation links

Is Microsoft Driving Innovation Or Playing Catch-Up With Rivals? Office 2.0 and more

Thriving in the New Innovation Landscape

Externe Berater …