Thomas Van der Wal ponders the uses of social software in mergers and acquisitions, referring a recent post by Stewart Mader on the opportunities of getting new employees up to “working speed” quickly (“Onboarding: getting your new employees cleared for takeoff“).
Ken Thompson on the relation between collaboration, teams and business process management:
It’s the human-to-human interactions of teams that count when it comes to innovation and agility. … you and everyone you work with must be able to function in and through internal and multi-company teams, and must also grasp what the latest concept of “team” really means
Matt Moore interviewed James Dellow about the Enterprise RSS Day of Action, here’s the mp3
Armin Karge tells us the story (in german language) of a tangible method of change communication:
Das “Cockpit” muss vor allem zwei Anforderungen gerecht werden: Einerseits soll es Alarmanlage und Kontrollinstrument sein. Andererseits soll es durch Offenheit und Transparenz zu mehr Akzeptanz der Beteiligten führen. Im Idealfall sind die Mitarbeiter beteiligt und identifizieren sich.
Stewart Mader and the team from Atlassian are sharing insights on wiki functionality, use cases and adoption (and they are giving away free copies of Stewarts Wikipatterns book, my review is here) at the Web 2.0 Expo this week, see what’s on the slate and drop by if you’re in San Francisco.
And finally Andrew McAfee reminds us of the importance of all this:
Enterprise 2.0 is not a hype, but it is also not easy, and it will serve to separate the winners from the losers
Andrew will keynote Heliview on May 7th, looks promising, I am thinking of going too – want to meet up?