Found via aka George Dearing
Great discussion (and hilarious at times, too – just see how David Weinberger explains the rationale behind the IRC back-channel and see Doc Searls fight and conquer a sandwich as a bonus).
But what happens in this relaxed athmosphere is nothing less than a crash course in the motives and context of Enterprise 2.0 – and one can learn a lot from Andrew’s approach (eg. how he goes about to explain the benefits of E 2.0 to regular executives, think strong, weak and potential ties / Mark Granovetter; how business opportunity management can profit from “supported and facilitated” serendipidity; …).
[…] Martin Koser nennt das folgende Video einen Crashkurs in Sachen Enterprise 2.0. Dem kann ich nur zustimmen und empfehle es deshalb nachdrücklich. […]