#e20summit – Crowdsourcing Ideas for the Open Space Workshop

I think this is a good way to enable and facilitate discussions on the topics people bring to the conference – calling in proposed topics for the Open Space Workshop on October 28. While the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT agenda rocks and listening to thought leadership is cool, proposing one’s own pressing questions, ideas and “pondered approaches” is very attractive. Add to this the feedback you get when the people vote on your idea, brilliant or not.

A public voting process can help in finetuning the crowdsourced collective intelligence gathered, ie. when everybody can vote for the most interesting topics the ideas with the most demand will bubble up.

ps. Björn blogs that the five most-voted topics will be discussed at the conference and the applicants get free admission as an extra reward. That should get you going, huh 😉

2 Responses to “#e20summit – Crowdsourcing Ideas for the Open Space Workshop”

  1. Robert Swanwick says:

    Martin, have you tried http://twebevent.com/e20summit as a microsite to combine the promotion of the summit and Twitter discussion on the same page?

    • Martin Koser says:

      Hi Robert, not yet – right now kicking the tyres .. it’s looking cool but adding a three-day event don’t seem to work. Strange, you can only choose one single day?

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