While I wasn’t in Boston for the e2conf I tuned into some of the live-streamed keynotes and monitored the backchannel on Twitter as good as possible. Plus there are some videos coming up, like this one from the Democamp arena, where David Berlind is talking with IBMs Suzanne Minassian about the capabilities of the new Lotus Connections (he’s opening his questions in a kind of stingy way, claiming cheekily that IBM is just a dodgy software company, hehe, this isn’t the IBM I know and Suzanne stays calm and makes the best of his rhetorical opening for sure …):
I also had the good luck to listen into the stream when BAH’s Walton Smith was talking about their hello.bah.com effort – they won the Open Enterprise Innovation award this year. So who says elephants can’t dance? Even large and mature companies can innovate with new ways to communicate, collaborate and share knowledge. Steven Walling compiles five lessons to learn from them at ReadWriteWeb:
1. Empower Evangelists
2. Draw on Past Experience
3. Know Thyself
4. Create a One-stop Shop
5. Just Solve Problems for People