Upcoming: Enterprise 2.0 events at CeBIT 2009 (come and share your views)

It’s that time of the year again – CeBIT 09 is just around the corner and it’s high time to collect and prepare plans and places to be. I will focus here on stuff with an Enterprise 2.0 focus and/or events I am involved with or am looking forward to. Björn has done a more complete overview here, add this to the information pages for the Open Source arena and especially the Enterprise 2.0 / Internet-focused Webciety (check out the program here)

Myself I will arrive on Wednesday, skipping the first day and sadly also the panel on “Social Computing” with Devan Batavia from Jive Software, Jeff Schick from IBM (seen him at the first E20SUMMIT) and Dirk Röhrborn from Communardo. But I will arrive in time for the “5 myths of the Change of Organizations” panel with Clay Shirky on Wednesday morning and later on the “Enterprise Collaboration” panel with people like Joshua Wold from Atlassian.

Thursday I will have my very own space in the Webciety program, presenting the small chunk of the DNAdigital book I contributed to, see the (german only) online version.

n50419902004_5210Friday I will be busy mingling with you, the Enterprise 2.0 community at CeBIT at the E2.0 Meetup on the CeBIT Webciety Area. I am really looking forward to this – let’s get together in the T-Systems Lounge. Besides having a panel discussion with Dion Hinchcliffe, Dr. Frank Schönefeld (T-Systems), Aidan Troy (IBM), Peter Fischer (Microsoft), Craig Hepburn (OpenText) and Sören Stamer (Coremedia) we’ll have enough time to discuss many of E 2.0’s challenges and potentials.

You can expect me to tweet and blog about most of these events, mostly at the community weblog but I am also planning to do some video interviews. Get in contact with me, get into the conversation and share your views of the future of Enterprise 2.0.

4 Responses to “Upcoming: Enterprise 2.0 events at CeBIT 2009 (come and share your views)”

  1. […] Area. I can tell you that I am definitely looking forward to this, especially after having been extremely busy the two days […]

  2. […] Roebers erarbeiteten – Beitrag habe ich zudem schon im Rahmen der Webciety und zusammen mit Willms vorgestellt. In unserem Gespräch rund um das Thema CEO 2.0 haben wir uns über (zeitlos gute) […]

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