Communication (and coordination?) in complex organizations

Stumbled upon this Harvard working knowledge paper by Adam Kleinbaum, Toby Stuart, and Michael Tushman via Mike Gotta who highlighted the opening quote:

“The social system is an organization, like the individual, that is bound together by a system of communication.” − Norbert Wiener (1948, p. 24)

The paper asks which groups are most likely to communicate with others in a large organization, regardless of social-and physical-boundaries and finds that category-spanning communication patterns are demonstrated primarily by women, mid- to high-level executives, and members of the executive management, sales and marketing functions.

It is available for free download as a pdf. Here’s the abstract:

This is a descriptive study of the structure of communications in a modern organization. We analyze a dataset with millions of electronic mail messages, calendar meetings and teleconferences for many thousands of employees of a single, multidivisional firm during a three-month period in calendar 2006. The basic question we explore asks, what is the role of observable (to us) boundaries between individuals in structuring communications inside the firm? We measure three general types of boundaries: organizational boundaries (strategic business unit and function memberships), spatial boundaries (office locations and inter-office distances), and social categories (gender, tenure within the firm). In dyad-level models of the probability that pairs of individuals communicate, we find very large effects of formal organization structure and spatial collocation on the rate of communication. Homophily effects based on sociodemographic categories are much weaker. In individual-level regressions of engagement in category-spanning communication patterns, we find that women, mid- to high-level executives, and members of the executive management, sales and marketing functions are most likely to participate in cross-group communications. In effect, these individuals bridge the lacunae between distant groups in the company’s social structure.

I like the approach, and the systematization of the three types of boundaries. Moreover the results reminded me of McAfee’s empty quarter thoughts, esp. if we understand that building bridges is one thing that may emerge with the adoption of social software in the enterprise. Yes, to achieve the boundaryless organization, putting social web elements to use is a good idea – especially to support lateral, cross-division, cross-function and cross-rank communication patterns. Yet, I guess that breaking up the silos all the way, i.e. to achieve and leverage “cross-division, cross-function and cross-rank” cooperation and collaboration, will be a lot harder. Connectbeam‘s Hutch Carpenter highlights the status quo and the real issues to deal with, i.e. integrating the user experience and adding layers that do more than mere enterprise search:

Adding social computing features to existing enterprise silos certainly helps, but fails to connect the larger organization. […]

We have not yet seen the emergence of a full-suite vendor that addresses the different needs of the market. Expect to see enterprises with multiple social computing apps for the foreseeable future.

ESME – Twitter-like experience behind the firewall

Andrea posted a video he recorded with Dennis Howlett about ESME.

Find more information on this Enterprise microblogging tool – a Twitter-like experience behind the firewall – at the SAP Network Wiki. Yes, like I said before

[…] enterprise Twitters pop up here and there. Check out some of the recent newcomers with Laura Fitton’s evaluation sheet and read up on some of my thoughts on related adoption patterns and best practices.

Add to this the ever-growing list of Enterprise Microblogging Tools by Jeremiah Owyang …

The Web is changing the world (with Open Source organization principles)

Stumbled upon some things lately, now (on a national holiday that is) is the time to post it all. Let me begin with a disclosure of the books I brought from my late Kentish rambles, all four of them.

  • We-think: The Power of Mass Creativity by Charles Leadbeater
  • The Future of Management by Gary Hamel
  • The Ten Faces of Innovation by Tom Kelley
  • Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

I will probably post on the Future of Management and The Ten Faces of Innovation elsewhere, as from an Enterprise Collaboration point of view Charles Leadbeater is more interesting. Basically he explores how the web is changing our world, creating a culture in which more people than ever can participate, share and collaborate, and exchange ideas and information. Sharing is why the web is such a potent platform for creativity and innovation. And yes, thus the web can be good for democracy, giving people a voice and the ability to organise themselves. So I recommend this video summary which I found via Ulrike Reinhardt:

Add to this this video of the PICNIC 08 conference in Amsterdam last week where he keynoted a talk on mass creativity and mass collaboration (again via Ulrike):

Well, he starts with a statement about collaboration:

“it not just applies to high tech, new media, and culture, but also to social challenges – like the environment. Collaborative action is not just about new things, but about very broad challenges. We’ll have to bring different people together”.

I take this as another indicator that there’s more to thinking about open source than organizing software projects. So check out The Open Source Model Is About Organization, Not Who Signs Your Paycheck on Techdirt or this podcast at IT Conversations (mp3) with Mitch Kapor, President of the Open Source Applications Foundation and chair of the Mozilla Foundation (“Open Source: The End is Not in Sight!“):

Open Source has some great virtues that deserve to be spread through all of society, not just the computing industry (Mitch).


What makes the open source model unique isn’t who (if anyone) signs the contributors’ paychecks. Rather, what matters is the way open source projects are organized internally (from the Techdirt article).

Well, open source organization principles deserve much more attention …

Upcoming part 2: Barcamp München

Am 11. und 12. Oktober 2008 findet bei der Sun Microsystems GmbH in Kirchheim-Heimstetten bei München das Barcamp München statt.

Vor etwa einem Jahr war das BarCamp München mein erstes BarCamp (nachdem ich das eigentlich eingeplante BarCamp Köln aus fadenscheinigen Gründen verpasst habe). Und aus der Tatsache dass ich seither auch nach Berlin, Jena, Bodensee/Friedrichshafen, Mannheim und Stuttgart gefahren bin (und am letzteren auch ein bissele mitorganisiert und -geschafft habe) sieht man vielleicht dass mir das Ganze gut gefallen hat.

Man sieht sich also zur Neuauflage in München, fast ein Heimspiel …

Web 2 Expo Europe – checking out the speakers

Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008

The Expo team are busy filling in the voids and TBDs, time to see what we’ve got already and hey, it’s impressive. It aims at an European crowd, bringing in people from all over Europe and even outright local content like Markus Beckedahl from Berlin’s newthinking communications and well-known german blogger at netzpolitik.

Stowe BoydIn my program some prominent people are featured, like e.g. Stowe Boydfrom /Message, short bio at the Expo site:

[…] I am obsessed with social tools, and their impact on business, media, and society. I coined the term “social tools” in 1999, the same year I started blogging, and I haven’t looked back since. Writing and working with clients takes most of my time, but I also speak at various events, such as Reboot, Lift, Shift, Mesh, Enterprise 2.0, Office 2.0, Under The Radar, Next08, and Web 2.0 Expo, to name only a few.

Yes, it’s a pleasure to listen and talk to Stowe, last time I’ve seen him at Reboot. Same goes for this guy:

Lee BryantLee Bryant from London-based Headshift, a “30-person enterprise social computing consultancy that has pioneered the deployment of social tools inside the firewall. We do equal amounts of strategy consulting, integration and development and also engagement work.”

Sounds like a competitor, huh? Well, yes, but he’s an all too nice chap and it’s all about cooperation and collaboration in an emerging market …

Bruno  Figueiredo

Then it’s Bruno Figueiredo of Portugal’s Ideias & Imagens, Lda. who is going to talk about Designing for Flow – I don’t know him yet so here’s the bio:

Bruno Figueiredo is a Senior User Experience Designer, working within its two consultancies, one in London and one in Lisbon. He is the current president of the Portuguese Usability Professionals Association and the Local Ambassador in Lisbon for the User Experience Network. He is one of the founders of both the Lisbon and London groups and he also coordinates the Practice Guide workgroup within the Interaction Design Association. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and has published a series of articles and a book on the subject. He is also one of the organizers of the SHiFT international tech conference in Lisbon.

I haven’t included James Governor aka monkchips in my program yet, as his topic Electricity is the New Internet sounds a bit weird to me. We’ll see. For sure he’s got the best short bio of all:

[…] I live and work in London with my wife and son. I travel too much. I could live in a mud hut and only eat raw vegetables and still have the carbon footprint of a small town.

Dion Hinchcliffe

Speaking of people that aren’t on my personal program right now but that are important anyway – Dion Hinchcliffe sure fits the mold.

Yet I guess that his talk on Building Successful Next Generation Web 2.0 Applications isn’t exactly what consultant types like me can understand and value ;*)

JP Rangaswami

JP Rangaswami of British Telecom Design (“Web 2.0 vs. the Water Cooler: How Web 2.0 Has Changed the Way We Communicate at Work“). Seen him lately at the Enterprise 2.0 Forum at Cologne. See why he’s on my list:

JP Rangaswami is the Managing Director, Service Design for BT Design – BT Group’s IT design and delivery business. It has total responsibility for designing, building and implementing the IT and business processes, systems, networks (non-Openreach) and technologies. JP is responsible for group operations as well as enterprise management platforms and web technologies. He has extensive international experience and is passionate about delivering outstanding end-to-end customer experience. He has a record for innovation and collaboration that underpins his customer-focused delivery of major global programmes.

JP joined BT from Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein where he served as Global CIO demonstrating recognised market leadership in the use of innovative tools and techniques. He is a compelling advocate for community-based “opensource” development methods and practices.

His blog is here: (Confused of Calcutta) …

Suw Charman-Anderson

Next up is Suw who I’ve seen as well at the Enterprise 2.0 Forum in Cologne (blogged about her talk here, video at enterprise2open). Bio:

Suw Charman-Anderson of Strange Attractor is a leading social software expert, specialising in the use of blogs and wikis in business. She works with companies around the world, from sectors as diverse as technology, finance and public relations, to help them understand how social software can be used both behind the firewall and for customer communications. […] She recently co-founded Fruitful Seminars & Events, covering Web 2.0 subjects, with Lloyd Davis and Leisa Reichelt.

Luis Suarez Finally, closing the short list with Luis Suarez of IBM who’s going to Think Outside the Inbox – shortened bio from the Expo site:

Luis Suarez has been working in IBM for over 11 years as a Knowledge Manager and Community Builder and the last five of those years he has been working as well as a Social Computing Evangelist helping various different business units with their rampant adoption of social software within the corporate firewall and beyond.

[…] maintains three different blogs, one internal and two external (, where he gets to talk about Knowledge Sharing, Collaboration, Communities and Social Computing […]

Wissensmanagement und Unternehmenskultur

Ulrike hat im Vorfeld der Scope 08 ein Skype-Interview mit Peter Klingenburg, Geschäftsführer der T-Systems Multimedia Solutions in Dresden geführt. U.a. beschreibt er die Idee eines Wissenmanagements “on the fly” – zudem gibt er Einblick in seine Sicht zum Thema Führung von Wissensarbeitern (Vorbild sein und vorangehen). Ein angenehm offenes Gespräch in dem mehr als deutlich wird warum Wissensmanagement so wichtig  für Unternehmen ist, aber auch warum sich viele damit so schwer tun.

Nach wie vor ist es eben doch ein großer Stolperstein für alle Umsetzungsaktivitäten wenn die übliche Einstellung ist, dass Wissen gleich Macht ist. In der Folge wird “Wissen” gehortet und gehütet, mit fatalen Folgen für das Unternehmen. Umso schöner zu sehen wie Peter Klingenburg am Anfang zuerst klar macht wer ihn im Grunde beschäftigt (nein, es ist nicht die MMS) und dann im Laufe des Interviews zum einen die Bedeutung, zum anderen aber auch die Methoden, Einsatzszenarien und Werkzeuge (Wikis, ja) der MMS herausarbeitet:

Conversations Connected with Context – Socialtext Signals

Socialtext launched Socialtext 3.0, a trio of applications for connected collaboration with context:

  • People – Social networking for the enterprise
  • Workspace – Group-editable wiki for easy, flexible, enterprise-wide collaboration
  • Dashboard – Customizable home pages that let each person decide where to focus their attention.

Here’s the 60 second video, fresh from Ross Mayfield’s blog

Now add Signals to the mix, Socialtexts Twitter for the enterprise clone …

[…] integrated microblogging for the enterprise. Socialtext Signals is social messaging for the enterprise connected with context. With the rise of Twitter, more people are learning the benefits of microblogging as a medium for conversations and sharing each day. Socialtext developed a standalone version six months ago. Using it internally we’ve learned how different usage is from Twitter, not just because it is more private, but because it is in the context of a company. The social patterns of what people say and share has taught us a lot about potential use cases. Now in private beta with Socialtext customers, Socialtext Signals will provide an integrated user experience across Socialtext Workspace, Socialtext Dashboard and Socialtext People.

Above, that’s an 18 min interview found via Robert Scoble. Yes, I believe this is an important addition and will be an essential part of any enterprise 2.0 platform. Integrating social features like easy microsharing and social networking into Enterprise wikis is just natural. While supporting relationships is a generic purpose, it needs an integrated user experience (that’s a point where based implementations still have a hard time), a focus on work groups and a discrete use (well, we need to ease a pain point to really make the point). See how Dennis Howlett expands on the need for context-sensitive linkage

SocialText [Signals] is providing the essential linkage between people and context with some elements of process. That’s crucial for this type of application to make sense in a corporate environment.

This move by Socialtext is all too timely, we’re seeing enterprise Twitters pop up here and there. Check out some of the recent newcomers with Laura Fitton’s evaluation sheet and read up on some of my thoughts on related adoption patterns and best practices.