Here are the slides for my talk on wikipatterns yesterday at BarCampMitteldeutschland in Jena:
21 days on wiki adoption cont.
I am at the BarCamp Jena/Mitteldeutschland and spent the whole day in sessions and mingling with the crowd. As the WiFi has been shaky I didn’t blog that much. But now as I am sitting in a cozy bistro with working Wifi and have some time on my hands I can post the next couple of Stewarts video series on wiki adoption:
Day 2: Wiki vs. Email:
The primary difference between a wiki and email for collaboration is in the mechanics of each. If you and I were using email and an attached text document to collaborate, a lot has to happen between when I edit the document and when you can. Not so with a wiki:
Day 3: Your Wiki Isn’t Necessarily Wikipedia
Wikipedia is different from organizational wiki sites both because of its primary use – encyclopedia – and the way its community is structured. These characteristics have made Wikipedia successful, but they aren’t necessarily the conditions for success for every wiki.
Day 4: Run a Pilot
The first major step in growing wiki use in your organization is to run a pilot. It lets you get wiki use started in a controlled environment, build use examples that are relevant to your organization, and develop a support structure to help keep things running smoothly.
Neue Kommunikationskonzepte in Netzwerken
Erste Session beim BarCamp Jena/Mitteldeutschland (nachdem die Probleme mit dem Wlan offensichtlich behoben sind): Eine Doppelssion, zum einen “Neue Kommunikationskonzepte in Netzwerken. Digitale Kollaboration von KMU, FE und UHF” von Prof. Dr. Dietrich Hoffmann, zum anderen ein Vortrag von Siteforum (“Wissensmanagement mit Web 2.0 Lösungen im Personalumfeld”), einem Anbieter von SaaS-Netzwerkplattformen zu Trends bei Online-Netzwerken (erste Phase allgemeines Wachstum, nun zweite Phase Spezialisierung auf kleinere Zielgruppen). Die Folien von Dietrich Hoffmann sind hier (zip), u.a. zu E/Internet-Learning, Technologieakzeptanz und Akzeptanzförderung älterer Mitarbeiter, und verteilter Zusammenarbeit in Kompetenznetzwerken mithilfe elektronischer Medien.
1. These – Starke Netzwerke basieren auf bewährten Kompetenzen
2. These – Starke Netzwerke basieren auf Kommunikation + Kollaboration
3. These – Starke Netzwerke nutzen digitale Technologien
4. These – Zukünftige Netzwerke verknüpfen Lernen + Arbeiten
Siteforum integrierte u.a. Blogs, Foren, Wikis und Webcasts (modulweise / baukastenartig) in die Netzwerkplattform. Beispiele und erste Umsetzungen sind und, die quasi integrierte Netzwerkplattform sind, die als SaaS betrieben werden. Ein Testportal ist hier.
Stewart Mader video series on wiki adoption
Whoa, fresh content for this blog is secured for the next 20 days, as Stewart Mader (whose book I’ve just reviewed very favorably here) will post a short video episode each day. I’ll try to not only post his content but to add some thoughts and observations of mine as time permits. For now let’s start with the first two episodes, number one is the introductory episode, number two is the first episode dealing with the details (Day 1 “Grassroots is best”)
enterprise2open blog carnival
I am not allowed to participate in the contest, after all I have some “prejudices” and formulated the task, but anyway for all readers that aren’t yet following the enterprise2open blog, here’s the deal of the enterprise2open blog carnival:
Can Enterprise 2.0 prevail as a concept and possibly as a vision for a better enterprises, given that organizational barriers and deep-seated resistance are present, and what we can do about it?
What’s your opinion on this, and what are your ideas? We’re prepared to honor the best and most comprehensive contribution – KongressMedia has sponsored a VIP-ticket to the March 4 Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT, which we’ll happily send out to the winner in this contest of ideas.
Put down your thoughts, blog about it, trackback the post at enterprise2open and be in the contest.
Wikipatterns – book review
Stewart Mader, author of “Wikipatterns – A Practical Guide to Improving Productivity and Collaboration in Your Organization” provided me with a copy – and I promised to write a review in exchange, both on Amazon which I did and here in my blog. Two disclosures are necessary, yes, Stewart’s working for Atlassian, provider of enterprise wiki Confluence, but it doesn’t shine through, this book is independent, and no, I didn’t receive any perks or goodies to make me write a positive review.
Now, I am planning to offer a session on wiki patterns and success factors of corporate wiki implementations at the upcoming BarCamp Mitteldeutschland next weekend, so this review is timely.
The main goals of this book are to provide practical advice and a toolbox of wiki patterns for encouraging wiki use, and it’s a really nice and handy resource indeed. The collection of patterns is systematized along people patterns, adoption patterns, people anti-patterns and adoption anti-patterns, all in relation to context, problem and solution/work-around. This way it supports proper use of this wide set of tools, as one can check whether, when, what, why and how to use a specific approach, and also what to do when counter-indicators are there. Moreover, this book is filled with practical examples, case studies and interviews with wiki champions, that demonstrate the real-life complexities too, e.g. that a successful wiki introduction in organizations needs a number of different roles interplaying.
Overall I can say that I really enjoyed Wikipatterns, even when most of the ideas and concepts weren’t new to me – I am following the corresponding wikipatterns wiki from the start and I do argue mostly along the lines of wikipatterns when consulting and working with implementation projects. In fact my wiki consulting toolbox contained wiki patterns all along, i.e. for several years, yet without me calling them that way.
Now this book isn’t for consultants in the enterprise social space alone, it’s also an excellent read for managers and people who want to introduce a more collaborative way of working into their organisations and who are pondering wiki use: It’s an eye-opener, especially because it shows that success doesn’t come easily with wikis (does it with any tool?), and that it takes some effort and commitment. So, Wikipatterns both advises for a thorough needs analysis before starting off with wikis and to proceed swiftly and from a grass-roots starting point. For example Stewart makes it perfectly clear that Wikipedia isn’t the only use case to follow, that an organization’s wiki hasn’t much to do with Wikipedia, nor has it much to learn from it. I agree, and would add that choosing the right wiki engine is a success factor too and choosing a wiki engine shouldn’t be done lightly (like the folks who choose Mediawiki because everybody does it …) and without thorough analysis of actual corporate needs.
So, to close this entry (and somehow squarely with Amazons reviewer rules which ask you to give up your rights on your very own words …) I enclose my Amazon review, where I focussed more on the change management implications this book offers:
Stewart Maders “Wikipatterns – A Practical Guide To Improving Productivity and Collaboration In Your Organization” is a very well-written book that informed and enlightened me in many ways, giving me both ideas and inspiration.
On the outside it’s a well-filled tool-box of approaches and “implementation patterns”, complete with case studies and interviews with organizational pilot-users and implementers of enterprise wikis, that makes it suitable for “beginning wiki implementers”.
But while the primary focus is on “how to implement a wiki in an organization”, and the many paths and opportunities are treated comprehensively and with a hands-on-approach, it’s **also** an excellent book on “how to keep the energy levels up”, i.e. how to ensure the success of the organizations wikis in the long term.
Wiki patterns is thus also becoming essential reading for anyone involved in scaling and large-scale roll-outs of social software in the enterprise, i.e. for organizational architects, managers and consultants that want to understand the relations of organizational change management and social software.
Open Source meets Business, Präsentationen
Eine Woche nach dem Open Source meets Business-Kongress stehen die Folien fast aller Vorträge zum Download bereit. Die Beiträge im BMID-blog sind verlinkt, ebenso die Folien des Vortrags zu “Wissensmanagement in verteilt arbeitenden Teams mit TikiWiki“.