Enterprise 2.0 on z/OS

I had the pleasure to attend an IBM enterprise 2.0 workshop yesterday at the Böblingen Labs. Found out about it via Luis Suarez. Well, turned out to be a good idea, not only was I able to experience the extended version of Luis’ “Thinking out of the Inbox”, but also got some insights into IBMs mainframe business as a platform for business-critical applications. And yes, these may well include Enterprisey-2.0 stuff. And while I am still favorable of lightweight deployments, I can see their point, especially when coupled with the overall trends around virtualization, cloud computing etc.

The one day workshop (“Web 2.0 and System z”) – organized by Kevin Keller (kevkeller on Twitter) – both touched upon broad underlying motives, concepts and trends (systematized by Ansgar Schmidt under “Gutenberg 2.0”, I just loved the neologism “social translucence”) and downright IT-technological specifics.

Fot the underlying trends I think that the IBMers got it right, e.g. when pointing out the trend towards decentralized social networks, that are organized and supported by distributed players. Yes, add this to data portability and open standards and we’re on the right track. Besides, I got some nice insights into IBMs enterprise social software ideas, e.g. the internal BeeHive social networking platform (I know who called it a waste of time but am not telling …) – where already thousands of IBM employees “connect and share” and IBMs CatTail document sharing platform.

So, in addition to meeting nice people like Martin Packer, I also learned quite a bit. Yes, this is another one of the reasons why we still want to meet up with people in real-life. As Luis puts it, we want to:
– hear the story behind the argument
– confirm what we think we know (and I would also say put our ideas up for testing and refinement)
– decide what to pay attention to
– keep up with fast changing information
– feel connected

Makes a nice list of arguments for coming to the WikiWednesdayStuttgart this evening, although the planned main event has to be delayed onto the future (no I am not telling) we’ll have a nice group of people with expertise to discuss with …

4 Responses to “Enterprise 2.0 on z/OS”

  1. And very good to meet you, too. All part of the “joining of hands” of Social Networking people who do System z and z/OS stuff.

  2. […] Enterprise 2.0 on z/OS frogpond: “For the underlying trends I think that the IBMers got it right, e.g. when pointing out the trend towards decentralized social networks, that are organized and supported by distributed players. Yes, add this to data portability and open standard (Stichworte: social_networks ibm enterprise_2.0) […]

  3. Martin Koser says:

    @Martin Well, yes – good to see how you tackled some doubts, inspired some ideas for me too.

  4. […] all in all a motivational show. I attended the Stuttgart event and blogged here about it: (”Enterprise 2.0 on z/OS” […] covering the background of why I got started with this, what it has been like, the […]

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