How to build vibrant communities …

Found via Bertrand Duperrin (“Enterprise 2.0 according to SUN“) – this presentation by Peter Reiser (“Risk Management and Community“). I like the strategy and “why”-parts but am a bit hesitant in liking the Community Equity Model (measuring the various elements of equity seems hard). But well, if that’s what is needed for getting organizational support and buy-in …

Royal Bank of Scotland is holding their International Risk Congress in Edinburgh this week. The theme is “join the conversation” and it is all about communities, Web 2.0, sharing and participation.

[Peter Reiser] had the pleasure to lead a workshop with RBS on how to build vibrant communities.

It is a great sign that large enterprises like RBS are really getting serious about Web 2.0 and Communities. It is fascinating to see how a bank can differentiate and distinguish themselves by applying communities to their existing business processes. And yes – building a community value system as part of strategy is very important to drive active participation and contribution – and our Community Equity model fits very well

2 Responses to “How to build vibrant communities …”

  1. k9ert says:

    Hi Martin,

    Übrigens ist die angesprochene Community-Equity Software von Sun als OpenSource freigegeben worden:



  2. Martin Koser says:

    Hallo Kim,

    schön zu sehen dass du weiterhin mitliest (ich hoffe wir sehen uns bei einem eventuellen BarCamp München 2009?).

    Danke für den Hinweis auf Kenai, ich lese zwar das Blog von Peter Reiser aber das ist mir irgendwie entgangen.

    Viele Grüße,
    Martin _ frogpond

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