James Dellow prepared a short slide deck for the upcoming Enterprise RSS Day of Action:
James also put up a presentation with a “wish list” for enterprise RSS:
These 10 things are inspired by the RSS services and functionality I’ve seen or experienced on the “consumer Web” that I want to have available inside the firewall too. Hopefully it also goes someway to explaining why Enterprise RSS is a different proposition from simply installing an RSS Reader on your work PC and RSS-ifying your intranet.
Yes, these are traits that are overlooked sometimes. Small wonder too – as enterprise RSS is only beginning to take up, some of these points are just emerging (like mobile access) or are seen primarily as job of the IT department (like security).
Thanks for helping to spread the word by sharing these slides. Remember, they are available for download and licensed under creative commons “Attribution-Share Alike” so I encourage everyone to reuse them.